About Warpmats & your custom surf mat

Handmade surfmats are different.

Anyone can get on a handmade surfmat and start catching waves straight away. You can ride a surfmat on any wave that another craft can ride. Surfmats will also make the best of average or poor conditions where other surf craft fail. Whether the waves are little or large, choppy or clean you can get the ride of your life.

Just a few breaths into it and you’re ready to ride.

The genius of the surfmat is that they’re ridden only partially inflated. In this way the surfmat can shift its shape to match the changing wave face. By remaining soft your surfmat can be hyper-responsive – any bumps on the wave face can ripple through the soft skin so you can keep accelerating. You become part of the wave.

Inflatable. Lightweight. Portable.

Warpmats weigh around 400 grams depending your design. When deflated your surfmat can be rolled up or folded to about the size of a laptop computer. This makes them incredibly portable taking up very little room in a bag or backpack. It is the ultimate wave riding craft for travelling. Your surfmat can be rolled up or folded to about the size of a laptop taking up very little room in a bag or backpack. It is the ultimate wave riding craft for travelling.

Your surfmat can be rolled up or folded to about the size of a laptop taking up very little room in a bag or backpack. Undoubtedly it is the ultimate wave riding craft for travelling.